Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The most up and coming neighborhood in the city

"Up and coming" is a label that could be put on many St. Louis neighborhoods. 

But, what does up and coming mean? It's highly subjective.  To me, it's a neighborhood that has already hit rock bottom and it on its way up and will be a desireable, functional, vibrant, active, stable, safe place in 5-10 years.  These are neighborhoods that have a plan in place to organize, market and revitalize itself.  There has to be an energy and continuity.  The plan can include residential rehabs, harboring creative nightlife options, attracting walkable dining, cafes, retail, businesses, etc.  A nice park for people to walk their dogs or go to chill, hang out with kids or jog/walk, etc.

You can make an argument for Forest Park Southeast, Fox Park, Benton Park West, Old North, Hyde Park, St. Louis Place, Gravois Park...maybe others.

I think Shaw, Tower Grove South, North Hampton, Southampton, St. Louis Hills, Boulevard Heights, Compton Heights, Holly Hills, Lindenwood Park, etc have already reached the promised land and/or peak capacity.  Some I mentioned above have a diversity of residents & incomes and urban/walkable places, some do not.  But the above seem to have reached a capacity of some sort, whether it be occupancy or urban framework.  That also plays into up-and-coming to me.  A place where all kinds of people want to live and feel comfortable.  A place with optimism and a future that feels exciting vs. staid and same old same old status quo.

So if you had to vote on St. Louis' most up and coming neighborhood what would it be?  You can vote for up to 3.

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  1. Dogtown is not a neighborhood, rather a collection of Clayton/Tamm, Franz Park and Hi-Point. It is indeed on the rise though, but was never really down and out in my humble opinion. Thanks for voting all.

  2. Just wondering why Midtown Alley isn't listed as an option? Have you SEEN the development going on in Locust/Olive area between Grand and Garrison????

  3. ^Anon 12.28.12, great question. Midtown is awesome indeed. Surely a good candidate. However, the area is largely rental and transient (lots of students) with very little home ownership per the census data; I think of this more as an extension of SLU an entertainment district. I hope more residential follows to continue Midtown's growth as a place to live. I know I am spending lots and lots of time there!

  4. Not including Dutchtown is serious oversight. We have low levels of home ownership, pitiful voter turnout and high crime. But new developments are happening, businesses and people are moving in. The Meremec and Virginia districts are growing. Crime has decreased in the last 4 years. We now have a young and energetic alderman, and we have a wonderful diversity seen nowhere else in the city. We are at the very least much more up and coming than Gravois Park! Come on!
